Rome International Film Festival Celebrating sixteen years of bringing films from around the world to Rome, Georgia.


About RIFF

The Rome International Film Festival is entering our 16th year and we can hardly wait to roll out the red carpet for our loyal supporters, sponsors, and guests. Big things are in store for 2019 and beyond. We are in the early stages of creating the RIFF Film Society which will feature film screenings throughout the year. We are expanding out festival days to include a larger offering of education sessions as well as more primetime marquee screenings.

At RIFF, we know the value of community. In 2019 we will continue partnering with local organizations, bringing in films and guests that highlight their causes. As always, RIFF seeks to be an inclusive organization that educates, engages, and entertains our entire community. All this on top of our usual high quality film offerings and outstanding special guests!

Be excited. Be very excited! Great things are on the horizon. For this inaugural year of the RIFF Film Society, patronage will include a membership and access to all screenings in 2019. More information will be announced soon. Stay tuned!

Our Purpose

The Rome International Film Festival is a non-profit organization that welcomes local, national, and international filmmakers to share their films in Northwest Georgia. Our goal is to entertain and educate our audience, provide filmmakers the opportunity for networking and advancement, and encourage cultural tourism and film industry development. We are committed to promoting the art of filmmaking and producing a quality experience for filmmakers and audiences alike.  




MovieMaker Magazine



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